Document Tree


Survey sections are made up of questions. 

Questions can contain a list of subquestions.


Survey Ancestry

We calculate an ancestry value for a question to make it easy to find the question in a drop down list.

Example. 2nd subquestion in 1st question of 3rd section is s3.1.2

When the order of questions are changed, the ancestry values are not recalculated until you click Save at the top level of the Survey.

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Question explanation

This field is the explanation text that can be shown with a question. It is usually shown in a smaller font below the question.

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Post question HTML

This is for advanced users, you can wrap the question in custom html.

We recommend that the number of opening divs and closing divs in the pre and post question html match.

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Pre question HTML

This is for advanced users, you can wrap the question in custom html.

We recommend that the number of opening divs and closing divs in the pre and post question html match.

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Question field

This is the actual question that is shown to the respondent.

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