Document Tree


The heart of Ethoslinx is a survey. 

A survey is made up of sections. The sections are made up of questions, and the questions can contain subquestions.


Identification Questions

These questions can be asked of a respondent before they move onto the survey sections. You are welcome to not ask them at the start of the survey and include question in your survey that are set to replace the identification question values.

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Default Company

When someone completes a survey we will set their employment company to the value set here. This feature is being depreciated and you should specify the employment company in the Filtered Survey link.

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The survey conclusion HTML is shown as a web page to the user on completion of the survey. This page will only be shown if the end of survey actions do not specify a report to show.

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This is where you can specify custom CSS to the added to the head of the survey pages when loaded. The CSS here will be inlined into the page after the standard CSS imports.

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This content is HTML that is shown about the standard identifications page. This will only be shown if at least 1 identification question is specified in this survey or in the Filtered Survey a user is using to access it.

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Logo Link

When specified, the company logo showing in the survey will be a link to the URL specified here.

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Survey Owned By

This is the company who owns the survey, usually Ethos Health or Prima Health Solutions. This can be used to restrict access for users who do not have the appropriate company privileges. 

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Survey Sections

A survey is made up of sections. They get displayed as individual pages when someone is completing the survey.

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